Friday, May 14, 2010

80. Words

Sorry I couldn't be there tonight guys.

This is the first poem I've written in a while. It's #80 (Words) for the 100 Theme Challenge I'm doing. If anyone wants a list of the themes, it's in my deviantArt journal, or I could post it here if you prefer :)
80. Words

sticks and stones
might break my bones
but your words
will never hurt me

snakes and spiders
have venom that could kill
but the venom in your words
cannot harm me

knife and sword
can stab right through
but your sharp words

words and phrases
can do harm
can hurt in so many ways
but only if I let them


  1. If only it were true that words don't my opinion they can hurt the most. I'll let everyone know you put something up. :D

  2. I like it. I like how the last stanza kind of admits that, "Yeah, I guess words can hurt... but I'm not going to let them." So it's more about willpower and refusing to let things hurt. It adds some nice emotion to the poem. :)

  3. I like it a lot. I love how you took the little rhyme kids always use... but often we only say such things to comfort ourselves, because words really do hurt; being ostracized is, in my opinion, worse than breaking your arm.
