Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey, everybody. I know we were planning on going to the downtown library to listen to a reading thingy for our meeting this week, but as it turns out, A) They're not having one this week because of Thanksgiving, and B) I'm going to be gone on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. So unless you guys want to organize something yourselves, writing group this week will have to be cancelled. I know, crazy. Plan on going to the library the next Wednesday, which is December 2nd. I'll get back to you all with more info when the time comes. Thanks for being awesome, Somnambulists. Write away!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Demo Is Complete

Exciting news, everyone. I just finished the first demo version of my game-based-on-my-book, Orphan Wars. I've tested it out and I'm happy to report that everything works, even though a few things are missing. This demo should be good for about an hour and a half of solid, fully functional play.

BUT! I'm not going to release it over the internet. Instead, I'm going to put three (count 'em, three) copies into the prize bag for those of us who have met our weekly writing goals. So set yourself a goal and achieve it if you wanna get your paws on one of these CDs.

See you guys on Wednesday, at Rachel's house!