Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Barbara's story (untitled)

Just a quickie. I went off the "100 Theme Challenge" I'm doing. The theme was "Illusion".
The humidity percentage and temperature were nearly the same, just like any other night. That wasn’t, the drug dealer knew, the reason why the man in front of him was sweating. He was one of his usual clients, who hadn’t shown up at the usual time the past few weeks. Withdrawal was starting to affect him, just like all the others who tried to quit. The street was deserted, save for the occasional stray dog or cat, and the two men were standing at the edge of the yellow pool of light from an overhead streetlamp.
“Haven’t seen you for a while, Marty,” the dealer commented with a sneer.
“I-I know,” Marty stammered, “I th-thought I c-c-could quit b-but-”“Not a problem, not a problem,” the dealer said soothingly, patting his client on the shoulder as his other hand reached into his pocket, “I’ve got your usual fix right here.”
“Oh, g-g-good, thanks…” Marty said with a weak smile, his eyes shifting around nervously as he took the small bag into his hands.
The next thing the drug dealer knew, several police officers were surrounding him.
He looked around wildly for Marty, only finding another police officer in his place.
The officer had similar pale blue-green eyes that Marty had, and was lean like Marty, but with muscle tone instead of just skin and bone. He was taller, with short strawberry-blonde hair instead of long, scraggly black. There was something slightly feminine in his face and build, though…
“Wha…” he turned wildly in the middle of the circle he was now in the middle of.
“James Hillshire, down on the ground,” the officer in front of him said calmly.
James slowly sunk to his knees, eyes wide with shock and confusion.
“Hands behind your head,” another officer ordered, stepping up behind him. James obeyed, reluctantly, as the officer clicked the handcuffs onto his wrists.
The blonde in front of him grabbed his arm to help hoist him off the ground, looking him in the eye as he (she? Something about the pitch…) spoke again.
“James Hillshire, you’re under arrest for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics,” the two officers started escorting him towards a car at the curb, that he knew wasn’t there before. “We have some questions to ask you. As you know, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you a court of law…”
James had heard this before. Before, the officers had to chase him down. Before, he had some idea they were there. Where did they come from?

“Well done, Cannon,” the police chief said as Julie Cannon entered his office. “Thank you, sir,” she said with a smile, running one hand through her slightly spiked strawberry-blonde hair.
“I have to give most the credit to the team, though,” she said, “they were very cooperative.”
“Hmm, well, that certainly was an…unusual way of going undercover,” he said, leaning back in his chair, looking up at the “walking hallucinogen” in front of him.
“…the FBI is going to come take you away from us someday, Julie. This was a big case,” he said, almost warningly, “I hear they have a telekinetic running field operations in their “special” cases.”
Julie grinned, mischief showing clearly in her eyes, “Don’t worry, sir. If that does happen, I’ll put in a good word for you,” she teased with a quick wink.
“Never know what to expect from you,” he grumbled, “I believe you have a suspect to question?”
“Yes, sir.”

Julie sat cross legged in a metal chair across the table from James, a tape recorder between them.
“You’ve been read your Miranda rights, correct?”“…Yeah.”
“Do you understand those rights?”
“Good. Having those rights in mind, do you want to talk to me now?”
James said nothing, just staring across the table.
“Mr. Hillshire?” Julie asked, her face as calm as her tone.
“…I won’t tell you anything until my lawyer is here.”
“That’s fine,” Julie said, uncrossing her legs, “Do you know the number?”“Yeah,” he muttered, watching her carefully.
“…What happened to Marty?”
“That’s confidential, Mr. Hillshire, I can’t-”“He was there!” he shouted, slamming a fist down onto the table. Julie’s hand twitched to the cuffs on her hip.
“He was there, and then he just suddenly disappears. What happened?!”“I told you that’s confidential, Mr. Hillshire.”
James grabbed both sides of his head, groaning in frustration.
“…Forget the lawyer.”“Pardon?”“I said forget the lawyer! I’ll tell you whatever you want. Can’t take anymore of this…”
“Are you certain?”“Yes!”
Julie smirked, her expression going back to blank as she turned back to face him.

“Alright, then.”

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